Teaching in a centre-based education and care service

Please note, this information applies to those teaching in an education and care service. For those early childhood teachers intending to teach in a school, please refer to the Becoming Registered section of the TRBWA website.​​​​

The Teacher Registration Act 2012 requires that all teachers who teach from early childhood to Year 12, in an educational institution in Western Australia, must hold teacher registration with the TRBWA. This includes those who are teaching in centre-based education and care services such as long day care and child care centres.

Do I need to be registered as a teacher in an education and care service?

If you are employed as an Early Childhood Teacher at an education and care service, you are required to be registered with the TRBWA.

Certificate III and Diploma-qualified Educators are not required to be registered unless they become employed as an Early Childhood Teacher.

Teacher registration requirements

The following categories of registration enable a person to teach in an educational institution:

If you are employed as an Early Childhood Teacher and require teacher registration but have not yet fully completed your early childhood teaching qualification, it is unlikely that you will be eligible for Full Registration, Provisional Registration (Graduate Teacher) or Provisional Registration (Returning Teacher).

In the interim, your employer will need to apply to the TRBWA for Limited Registration on your behalf. Upon completion of your early childhood teaching qualification, you may be eligible for Provisional Registration.

More information about the requirements for teacher registration may be found on the Registration requirements page of the TRBWA website.