Final year students

​If you are currently in your final semester of study and are about to complete an accredited initial teacher education (ITE) program through an Australian university you may make an application for Provisional Registration - Final Year Student (Graduate Teacher) with the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA).

The submission of the application and the payment of the non-refundable fee does not guarantee teacher registration, however it allows for a faster process when your teaching qualification has been completed.​

The grant of registration will only be finalised when the TRBWA receives your final academic transcript evidencing that the course of initial teacher education has been successfully completed.

As part of the application process, you are requested to authorise your university to release a copy of your final academic transcript to the TRBWA. It is your responsibility to ensure that your university sends the transcript to the TRBWA. Should you not provide this authorisation, you can email a copy to the TRBWA.

Accredited initial teacher education (ITE) programs are listed on the AITSL website.

The grant of registration is subject to the applicant being a fit and proper person to be a teacher, the qualification requirement being met and the payment of the non-refundable application fee.

For information on the process and for the application form:

Application for Provisional Registration (Final Year Students) - Graduate Teacher  - (online form)

Once you have completed all sections of your online application form, uploaded copies of your identity documents and supporting evidence, and made payment, you may submit your online application. You will receive an email acknowledgement from the TRBWA when your application has been successfully submitted.

To avoid delays, please check carefully that your application is complete.

(Note: a paper copy of the application form is available if required, by contacting the TRBWA).