Application processing times

The Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) is committed to providing a quality service to its stakeholders. Our vision is to be a quality and contemporary regulator of the teaching profession that operates in the best interests of children.

We make every effort to finalise applications within 10 weeks. In certain circumstances, processing of applications may, however, take longer. Below are some common reasons why we may require additional time to process an application.

You can assist us to provide the best possible service by providing accurate and complete information within specified timeframes (find out more by reading the TRBWA Service Charter). 

T he documentation submitted with the application is not complete, or not accurate

Applicants are encouraged to review the documentation thoroughly prior to submitting their application, in particular their qualifications, academic transcript, identity documentation, and, if required, English language requirements.  When documentation is not complete or accurate, this can delay an application.

The results of a national criminal history check have not yet been returned to the TRBWA

All applicants to the TRBWA for teacher registration (including the renewal of registration and the change to another registration category) are required to provide consent for a national criminal history check. National criminal history checks are undertaken on behalf of the TRBWA by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC). The time required by the ACIC to complete and return these checks to the TRBWA can vary depending on the results identified in the check, and volumes.

The results of an overseas criminal history check have not yet been returned to the TRBWA

If your application for teacher registration requires the provision of an overseas criminal history check, please ensure you have applied for all necessary checks, as missing checks will delay your application. The time required by AIS International to coordinate and return these checks to the TRBWA can also vary depending on each country, their processes and volumes.

The application has been submitted with a request for exceptional circumstances

Subject to the nature of the evidence that is provided in support for a request for exceptional circumstances, processing your request is likely to take additional time.

The application has been submitted using the direct submission of evidence pathway

If your application is for a change of category to Full Registration and you are using the direct submission pathway to demonstrate meeting the Professional Standards at the Proficient Career Stage, this will require analysis and assessment by a Professional Standards Assessor. When evidence is not complete or accurate, this can delay an application. 

Transition to Full Registration Guide to Evidencing the Professional Standards at the Proficient Career Stage has been developed by the TRBWA to assist teachers in collecting and assessing evidence to demonstrate that they have met the Professional Standards at the Proficient Career Stage.

We encourage all applicants who are considering using the Direct Submission pathway to conduct a self-audit using the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Teacher self assessment tool. This is an online questionnaire enabling teachers at all Career Stages, in a range of contexts, to reflect upon their practice.

The application includes non-English language qualifications

Where your qualifications are not in the English language and translations to English are not undertaken by a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (NAATI) certified translator, the authenticity, content and level of the qualifications you present as part of your application must be validated. This process may take additional time to complete.

If you need assistance with completing your application, or have any questions about the requirements, please contact us