Notifications and complaints
The Teacher Registration Act 2012 (Act) requires every teacher to notify the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) when certain events occur.
- A registered teacher must notify the TRBWA in writing and provide a copy of the interim negative notice or negative notice to the TRBWA within 14 days if they are issued with an interim negative notice or negative notice under the Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004. (s.40 notice )
- A registered teacher must notify the TRBWA in writing within 30 days if:
- the teacher, or a person who is or was an employer of the teacher, is ordered to pay damages or compensation as a result of civil proceedings arising out of the practice of teaching by the teacher, or arising from events which occurred while the teacher was engaged in teaching (s.38 notice)
- the teacher is convicted or found guilty of an offence the statutory penalty for which is, or includes, imprisonment (s.38 notice)
- any qualification relied on in their registration application is withdrawn or cancelled by the institution that conferred that qualification. (s.39 notice)
Failure to notify the TRBWA of any of the above is an offence which may incur a penalty of $5,000.
Making a complaint about a teacher
Any member of the public may make a complaint in writing to the TRBWA about the conduct of:
- a registered teacher
- a person who was a registered teacher at the time of the alleged conduct.
Complaints can be made, either:
by post to:
Assistant Director
Investigations and Compliance Branch
Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia
PO Box 3019
East Perth WA 6892
by email to:
by phone to: 08 9223 9101
The TRBWA will usually notify the teacher that a complaint has been made about them. However, the TRBWA may delay advising the teacher about a complaint in certain circumstances.