Accredited initial teacher education programs in Western Australia

​​​​​The qualification requirements for Full and Provisional (Graduate Teacher and Returning Teacher) Registration are that a person either:

a) ​has a teaching qualification from an accredited initial teacher education (ITE) program; or

b) that the Board recognises as equivalent to such a qualification; or

c) has a teaching qualification and teaching experience that the Board considers is sufficient to enable the person to hold registration as a teacher.

​In respect of (a) above, the following is a list of Western Australian accredited ITE programs. 

Accredited ITE programs


Provider Program Duration Accreditation Expiry Decision
Curtin University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) 4 yrs 10/05/2026


Curtin University Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) 4 yrs 10/05/2026


Curtin University Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) 4 yrs 15/04/2025


​Curtin University ​Master of Teaching - Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary streams ​2 yrs 0​6/03/2028


Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies) 4 yrs 25/10/2027


Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 4 yrs 25/10/2027


Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Education (Primary) 4 yrs 25/10/2027


Edith Cowan University Bachelor of Education (Primary, 1-10) 4 yrs 16/10/2029


​Edith Cowan University ​Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) ​2 yrs ​17/07/2029


​Edith Cowan University ​Master of Teaching (Primary) ​2 yrs ​17/07/2029


​Edith Cowan University ​Master of Teaching (Secondary) ​2 yrs ​17/07/2029


Montessori World Graduate Diploma of Education (Montessori) 2 yrs 16/01/2027


Murdoch University Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary Teaching) 4 yrs 15/12/2026


Murdoch University Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching) 4 yrs 15/12/2026


Murdoch University Bachelor of Education (Primary, 1-10 Health and Physical Education) 4 yrs 15/12/2026


Murdoch University Bachelor of Education (Secondary Teaching) 4 yrs 05/03/2028


Murdoch University Master of Teaching (Primary) 2 yrs 24/10/2027


Murdoch University Master of Teaching (Secondary) 2 yrs 16/09/2025


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Education (Primary) 4 yrs 19/08/2025


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Education (Secondary) 4 yrs 19/08/2025


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education and Care: 0-8) 4 yrs 01/10/2026


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Education (Early Learning) 4 yrs 01/10/2026


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Health and Physical ​Education (Secondary) [and Honours] 4 yrs 5/12/2028


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Health and ​Physical Education (Primary)[and Honours] 4 yrs 5/12/2028


University of Notre Dame Australia Master of Teaching (Primary Education) 2 yrs 06/12/2024


University of Notre Dame Australia Master of Teaching (Secondary Education) 2 yrs 06/12/2024


University of Notre Dame Australia Bachelor of Primary Education 4 yrs 11/12/2029


University of Notre Dame Australia
Bachelor of Secondary Education 4 yrs 11/12/2029


University of Notre Dame Australia Master of Primary Teaching 2 yrs 11/12/2029


University of Notre Dame Australia Master of Secondary Teaching 2 yrs 11/12/2029


​University of Western Australia ​Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours) ​4 yrs ​12/12/2028

​University of Western Australia ​Master of Teaching (Secondary) ​2 yrs ​19/08/2025


​University of Western Australia Bachelor of Science and Master of Teaching (Secondary) ​4 yrs ​19/08/2025


​University of Western Australia Master of Teaching (Coursework) - Early Childhood and Primary streams 2 yrs ​19/08/2025


​University of Western Australia Bachelor of Arts and Master of Teaching (Secondary)  4 yrs 19/08/2025



Approved programs in Western Australia

The following programs are also approved by TRBWA for teacher registration. Graduates of these programs will meet the qualification requirements for Provisional Registration with the TRBWA.

Provider: Curtin University

Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Education)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Education)

Provider: Edith Cowan University

Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching
Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary)
Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary)

Provider: Murdoch University

Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching)
Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary Teaching)

Provider: Southern Cross University

Graduate Diploma of Education (Early Childhood)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)

ITE programs accredited by other Australian teacher regulatory authorities

A list of accredited ITE programs accredited by other Australian teacher regulatory authorities can be found on the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership​ (AITSL) website​.

A person who completes an accredited ITE program included on this AITSL Accredited Programs List will also meet the qualification requirements for Full and Provisional Registration.​