
​The Teacher Registration Act 2012 (Act) establishes the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia.

Subsidiary legislation is:

  • the Teacher Registration (General) Regulations 2012
  • the Teacher Registration (Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programmes) Regulations 2012.

Teacher Registration Act 2012

Teacher Registration (General) Regulations 2012

Teacher Registration (Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programmes) Regulations 2012

Change to the Teacher Registration Act 2012 (Act)

2018 statutory review of the Act was undertaken to consider the operation and effectiveness of the TRBWA.

The review identified some changes needed to the legislation to achieve the following:

  • Strengthen the powers of the TRBWA to respond to matters of child safety involving teachers, consistent with recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
  • Ensure an effective registration system that allows teachers to move between registration categories and improve fairness for teachers returning after an absence.
  • Allow WA to participate to a greater degree in the Australian Teacher Workforce Data Strategy, providing a clearer picture of the national teacher workforce. 
  • Promote a skilled teaching workforce.

Changes to Teacher Registration in Western Australia came into effect on 19 December 2023 following the passing of the Teacher Registration Amendment Bill 2022, which amended the Act.

Further information, including a short video summarising the changes, is available on the Act Changes page.

Information on the bill is available on the Parliament of Western Australia website.